Unnatural – Hosted Games LLC



Step into the gaming world with Unnatural, one of the top $6.99 games in the App Store! Crafted with creativity and innovation by Hosted Games LLC, this captivating Adventure game is bound to grab your attention. With its content rating of 12+, it caters to a wide audience. Ever since its release on 31st December 2013, it has been constantly updated, with the latest version rolled out on 28th June 2023.

Whether you have a liking for Adventure, Books, or Role Playing games, Unnatural is sure to keep you hooked!

User Ratings

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Monsters are real.

Join the Supernatural Response Team, an organization formed in direct response to the first documented case showing the existence of the darker side of humanity…

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Hear from the Players – Unnatural Reviews

Find out what gamers are saying about Unnatural:

This is an amazing interactive story that we’ve enjoyed from the first play through repeatedly until now. The story is interesting and you always feel like you are taking actions that move the story along. Then you have relationships, acceptance of who you are and various outcomes to situations all culminating with a beyond impactful choice that will lead to a sequel release. Wonderful job! Scarlet for the win!

Absolutely love this story and all the choices having an impact but Im worried we will never see a sequel release or have another content update its a real shame if we indeed never do but for what it is as it stands its amazing.

Great game, love the detail in each chapter. Only question is, where is the next one.

This game was really fun Im going to play again and see what happens.

We read this story again after a few months only to find a lot of the choices and dialogue options have changed!!!!! An example of this is how when we took the test it doesnt go through all the questions and just says how you passed no matter whether you choose to party or not!!! This is ridiculous and as a result we are deleting this story until you change this!!!!!

Anyone who likes supernatural things will like this!!!! When does season2 come out?

It was an amazing story to be a part of! Really hope for another chapter.

We were soooo attached to the story through the whole thing. We downloaded it 2 days ago and finished it. It really fulfilled that side of us that loves Vampires, Werewolves, and your occasional zombie. We cannot wait for a season 2!

We’ve played a number of these games. We had high hopes for this one, since we’ve found the paranormal/fantasy-esque storys have really shined from Hosted. But this one… Not so much. Your decisions dont have much weight behind them. You often feel like youre going through a maze, but the game keeps throwing impassable routes your way. So many decisions lead to and nothing happenedthat honestly we thought the game was a satire at first. The writing and editing are truly game breaking, though. Numerous run-on sentences, grammar (especially commas, good lord) are used so poorly that reading a dialogue in your head seems like its two auctioneers talking without a pause. We wont go too much into the typos and such; its just the icing on the cake. How the author, and editor (if there was one), could honestly play through this game and be happy with what they see is beyond us. Its unprofessional and completely disrespectful to the people that are PAYING them for their product. The game is all text-based…. So how the hell can you get away with so many things wrong with the text??

Poor writing; trite, boring story. So many other Choice of Games / Hosted Games do the Zombie / Werewolf story better. Give it a pass.

The story is good but the states dont progress after you join omega squad fix this and we will fix rating.

We can’t stress enough how bad we want season 2 we check everyday for the update!! We really love this app!

Absolutely great story. Read it multiple times.

We really enjoyed the game, we like these kinds of games, and the story was decent, we’ve played it through several times, we would just like a sequel or an update on if ones coming.

Really boring. We couldn’t care less about the characters, we never felt immersed in any way. The story itself is extremely disjointed, and we didn’t feel that our "choices" had much impact at all. It was more like reading a boring, badly written short story than playing a game. Thumbs down.

We love this game! When is season 2 coming out? We want to continue on this story.

Fantastic game. Good story and interesting choices.

We were skeptical at first when trying this game, but it was well worth it in the end, we must have played through it atleast five times to read all of the text. We would HIGHLY recommend this to anyone who is looking for a text based fantasy game.

A interesting story combined with good writing. At first we were a little bit frustrated for not being able to get all of the romantic options, however we did find them eventually. We can’t say they were great, but good enough. The length of the story is good and the replay ability is decent. Overall we definitely recommend it.

Great story, interesting plot, characters, and powers.

Absolutely loved it! Very great story that lasted quite awhile and still has more to come! CAN’T WAIT FOR SEASON 2!

This was one of if not the best text based story games we ever played, it’s very simple yet great in steal have played it multiple times in the year can’t wait for the second.

We’ve followed this game ever since it appeared on the CoG forums. Yes it may not suit everyone’s tastes but, this is one of the better choice games to come out in a while. Looking forward to rockfall and season 2.

We would totally rate this game 5 stars, but if we die it says it will restart the chapter. Instead it brings us to the main menu and we have to restart the game!

It’s great and all but maybe adding a love interest. Maybe have them turn into a monster or something that requires a little action. But have different outcomes. One can be where they are like that forever, maybe they die, maybe you find a cure…

Not enough options ,to driven in one direction ,not enough captivating writing .

A lengthy and original story with many paths to take. A great addition to Hosted Games.

We love the story and so we give it five stars, but as someone else stated, there are a number of grammatical errors and some moments where it feels that a page or two are missing.

We have not played a choice script game this good since rise of a gangster by vendetta. We truly enjoyed this and the advertisements lead to more great adventures if you choose to buy the other games. Unnatural drags you in for a thrill ride of excitement and you care for your character and his struggles. The premise was good enough as is, and the reinterpretation of modern Christian faith was truly masterful. Needless to say if you haven’t played this yet why are you still reading this review?

Being Human, Grimm, Darkness, Dexter, Dylan Dog of the Dead, Skyrim, and Supernatural… Honestly we’ve been blown away by how EPIC this story has been and will be. This app is a must, so far, one of a kind. *Spoiler "For chapter 7 use shade gauntlets because your character should be good at hand to hand combat if you did the beginning right."

Is brought to you by, Shameless Advertisements. Okay, so annoying advertisements at the end of every chapter aside the game is amazing. Fun and plenty of replay value.

Other than embracing the light being a bit overpowered, we really have no complains about the game. It kind of reminds us of GURPS Blackops. Maybe a little X-Com with vampires and werewolves instead of aliens. You join a supernatural team and get to strategically pick missions, weapons, and teammates to go along with you. You can develop friends and your personal statistics along with the story and there is also a password system that let’s you start a new game with the new skills you unlocked. Love that. Very clever. It does have a definitive ending but suggests a sequel shall be in the works that will carry on progress from the previous adventure? Win. Our only frustrations were we didn’t truly see how stats came into play. We wish there could be more occasions to build up relationships with the NPCs. Also there are loose ends that didn’t get tied up. Otherwise tho we dig it something fierce.

Just paid for it hoping for a good story and a length one.

By far the best. We set out to be a good guy in this story. But without even noticing our craving for power drove us to do all manner of things.

Vert interesting story but there seem to be a lot of glitches (skipped missions, random stat changes, failed save points)

Great except for some grammar. Also, in episode 7, it tells us it saved our progress. Yet we keep dying when you have to go after the wolf or vampire. Then it takes us back to the beginning if episode 6. It takes us 20 minutes just to get back to where we were.

Game is skipping several pages and repeats cause us to switch powers. Really annoying.

This game got boring very quickly, in our opinion. We got to chapter 5 and just deleted it. It feels very repetitive and it never seemed to go anywhere.

We started out extremely enthusiastic and loving the game. But that all changed once we hit episode 7. The werewolf/vampire part is impossible to pass (for us at least) and it sends us back to episode 5 whenever we die even though we were on episode 7. We have gone through that part at least 16 times with no success and it gets more and more repetitive and boring each time we’re forced to repeat the episodes. We enjoyed the game up to that point. Please look in to this issue and fix it soon.

The idea and concept of this game is amazing, but the execution is lackluster and leaves a lot to be desired. There are soo many grammar mistakes, it’s insane. And that’s coming from someone that couldn’t care less about grammar. But in this case it makes it hard to even understand the story. Also, every single Moment that the word "moment" is capitalized – it’s frustrating. It’s like on every page there is at least one thing wrong grammatically. Setting the grammar aside, the game also has a fair amount of false choices and routes to take. For example, when we were asked who I’d recommend for a promotion and we purposely didn’t choose our friend – he got promoted anyway and even thanked us for recommending him! There are a lot of forced moments like that in this game. Even more, there are some times in the game where it will feel like it just skipped several pages ahead or left out a huge amount of context. Scenes and characters will just come out of no where and you’re left wondering who they are and what is going on.. We still don’t know who Denise is and why she thinks we had a "relationship" together. It feels unpolished and, at times, also outright broken. It’s just not fun reading a story that’s so disjointed…

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