DK Quiz Strange Seas

These are the answer for DK Quiz Strange Seas Question and Answers, Cheats, for Easy , Medium, Hard on all level of the game. This game is developed by Dorling Kindersley at Dorling Kindersley Ltd.

What is the solution for DK Quiz Strange Seas ?

We are trying our best to solve the answer manually and update the answer into here, currently the best answer we found for these are:

  1. Despite being mammals, sperm whales like this can dive to 1,000m (3,280ft). How long can they stay submerged before surfacing for air?
  2. 45 minutes
  3. What term is used to describe a ring of coral islands?
  4. Atoll
  5. Coral reefs are made of what type of rock?
  6. Limestone
  7. Life on the ocean floor can be supported by hydrothermal vents. What term is used to describe these volcanic features?
  8. Black smokers
  9. What location has the highest tidal range?
  10. Bay of Fundy, Canada
  11. Whirlpools form alongside powerful tidal currents. Which is the world’s largest whirlpool?
  12. Maelstrom, Norway
  13. Below what depth is the ocean entirely dark?
  14. 1,000m (3,280ft)
  15. Which is the saltiest body of water?
  16. Dead Sea
  17. What name has been given to the calm zone in the North Atlantic famous for its enormous ”rafts” of floating seaweed?
  18. Sargasso Sea
  19. What is the name of the cold Pacific current that allows penguins to live on the tropical Galapagos Islands?
  20. Humboldt Current
  21. What term is used to describe the swarms of tiny animals that drift among surface algae?
  22. Zooplankton
  23. Below what depth is there insufficient light to support photosynthesis?
  24. 200m (656ft)
  25. Approximately how many fully grown African elephants have the equivalent weight of a single adult blue whale?
  26. 25
  27. What is the largest marine creature?
  28. Blue Whale
  29. Which marine ecosystem is able to sustain the most diverse life?
  30. Coral reefs
  31. What is the biggest invertebrate found among coral reefs?
  32. Giant clam
  33. What term is used to describe an underwater plain at depths greater than 3,000 metres (9,843ft)?
  34. Abyssal plain
  35. Which is the deepest part of the world’s oceans?
  36. Mariana Trench
  37. What is the smallest sea?
  38. Marmara Sea
  39. What is the shallowest sea, with an average depth of just 7 metres (23ft)?
  40. Sea of Azov

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