DK Quiz Natural History Answers

DK Quiz Edible Or Not?

These are the answer for DK Quiz Edible Or Not? Question and Answers, Cheats, for Easy , Medium, Hard on all level of the game. This game is developed by Dorling Kindersley at Dorling Kindersley Ltd.

What is the solution for DK Quiz Edible Or Not? ?

We are trying our best to solve the answer manually and update the answer into here, currently the best answer we found for these are:

  1. Are the flowers of the sweet-smelling Jasmine poisonous?
  2. Yes
  3. What is the Italian Casu marzu?
  4. A rotting cheese containing maggots
  5. In China the popular Bird’s Nest Soup uses the nests of which birds?
  6. Swifts
  7. Which UK TV chef cooked a meal using a human placenta?
  8. Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall
  9. What is an Asian Balut?
  10. A boiled, only partially fertilized egg
  11. Black pudding is made from the blood of which animal?
  12. All of these
  13. Loved by children for being cute, the heart of a Puffin is often served in…
  14. Iceland
  15. What is in the dish "Pig’s fry"?
  16. All of these
  17. Baby mouse wine is served as a tonic in China.
  18. True
  19. "Bentonite" has been eaten for years by tribes in the Andes to detoxify the intestines. What is it?
  20. Clay
  21. What is a common street food in Cambodia?
  22. Fried Tarantulas
  23. What is in Yum Khai Mod Daeng from Thailand?
  24. All of these ingredients
  25. What part of a lamb is boiled as the main ingredient of the Iraq dish Pacha?
  26. The Head
  27. What is the US delicacy Rocky Mountain Oysters?
  28. Fried bull’s testicles
  29. Englishman Arthur Boyt made headlines when he admitted that he often ate roadkill animals, which had included hedgehogs, rats, cats, and a Labrador dog.
  30. True
  31. How long after death is it suggested roadkill animals be consumed?
  32. One day
  33. Mexican Menudo soup is made from a cow’s stomach, tendons, and hooves.
  34. True
  35. A popular condiment in Ancient Rome was Garum, a fermented fish sauce.
  36. True
  37. London "Pie and Mash" shops commonly serve jellied eels.
  38. True
  39. Are Sweet pea flowers toxic?
  40. Yes

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