DK Quiz General Knowledge Answers

DK Quiz Famous Slogans

These are the answer for DK Quiz Famous Slogans Question and Answers, Cheats, for Easy , Medium, Hard on all level of the game. This game is developed by Dorling Kindersley at Dorling Kindersley Ltd.

What is the solution for DK Quiz Famous Slogans ?

We are trying our best to solve the answer manually and update the answer into here, currently the best answer we found for these are:

  1. "I’m lovin’ it" belongs to which restaurant chain?
  2. McDonald’s
  3. What does Nike suggest for indecisive consumers?
  4. Just Do It
  5. What is "Probably the best lager in the world"?
  6. Carlsberg
  7. What is "The pause that refreshes"?
  8. Coca-Cola
  9. HSBC is "The world’s…"
  10. Local bank
  11. Energizer batteries "keep going and going and going".
  12. True
  13. Which blade shaver "Liked it so much, I bought the company"?
  14. Remington
  15. According to one mobile phone provider, "The future is Vodafone".
  16. False
  17. Which breakfast cereal gives a "Snap, crackle and pop"?
  18. Rice Krispies
  19. Which beer in 1930 suggested: "Good things come to those who wait"?
  20. Guinness
  21. Finish the slogan: "Maybe she’s born with it. Maybe it’s…"
  22. Maybelline
  23. Which watch "Takes a licking and keeps on ticking"?
  24. Timex
  25. What is the "Crumbliest, flakiest chocolate"?
  26. Flake
  27. Complete the slogan: "You know when you’ve been…"
  28. Tangoed
  29. What is Nokia doing?
  30. Connecting People
  31. Which canned soup is "M’m! M’m! Good!"?
  32. Campbell’s
  33. What is "The real thing"?
  34. Coke
  35. What is "Home of the Whopper"?
  36. Burger King
  37. What "Melts in your mouth, not in your hands"?
  38. M&M’s
  39. Which drink commanded: "Obey your thirst"?
  40. Sprite

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  • DK Quiz
  • DK Quiz Answers
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