DK Quiz General Knowledge Answers

DK Quiz Inventors And Inventions

These are the answer for DK Quiz Inventors And Inventions Question and Answers, Cheats, for Easy , Medium, Hard on all level of the game. This game is developed by Dorling Kindersley at Dorling Kindersley Ltd.

What is the solution for DK Quiz Inventors And Inventions ?

We are trying our best to solve the answer manually and update the answer into here, currently the best answer we found for these are:

  1. Which 1875 invention by Alexander Graham Bell transformed human communication?
  2. The telephone
  3. Who invented the first modern steam engine in 1765?
  4. James Watt
  5. Who invented the first light bulb in 1809?
  6. Humphry Davy
  7. Which German invented the movable-type printing press?
  8. Johann Gutenberg
  9. Who invented dynamite?
  10. Alfred Nobel
  11. What is John Logie Baird best remembered for inventing?
  12. Television
  13. Who invented the revolutionary Model-T automobile?
  14. Henry Ford
  15. Who is responsible for the waterproof raincoat?
  16. Charles Macintosh
  17. Stephanie Kwolek is the inventor of the super-hard material Kevlar.
  18. True
  19. Who invented the the lightning rod?
  20. Benjamin Franklin
  21. What did Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre invent in 1837?
  22. Photographic processing
  23. Who invented the tinfoil phonograph?
  24. Thomas Edison
  25. With which invention is J. Robert Oppenheimer most associated?
  26. The atomic bomb
  27. Coca-Cola was invented by…
  28. John Pemberton
  29. Who invented the telegraph?
  30. Samuel Morse
  31. Englishman George William Manby was the inventor of the fire extinguisher.
  32. True
  33. What did Dutchman Hans Lippershey famously invent?
  34. The telescope
  35. In which year did Eli Whitney invent the cotton gin?
  36. 1794
  37. Who built the first freely programmable computer in 1936?
  38. Konrad Zuse
  39. What was invented in In 1885 by Karl Benz that changed the way people travel?
  40. The internal combustion engine

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