DK Quiz General Knowledge Answers

DK Quiz Presidential Pets

These are the answer for DK Quiz Presidential Pets Question and Answers, Cheats, for Easy , Medium, Hard on all level of the game. This game is developed by Dorling Kindersley at Dorling Kindersley Ltd.

What is the solution for DK Quiz Presidential Pets ?

We are trying our best to solve the answer manually and update the answer into here, currently the best answer we found for these are:

  1. Which of these animals was not a pet owned by John F. Kennedy?
  2. A goldfish
  3. Bill Clinton’s Labrador Retriever was called…
  4. Buddy
  5. What breed of dog is Barack Obama’s Bo?
  6. Portuguese Water Dog
  7. Pushinka was the offspring of Soviet space dog Strelka. Who gave the puppy to John F. Kennedy?
  8. Nikita Khrushchev
  9. Dwight D. Eisenhower owned a Weimaraner and two other unnamed animals. What were they?
  10. Wolves
  11. What kind of animal was Theodore Roosevelt’s pet Jonathan Edwards?
  12. A small bear
  13. Mr Reciprocity and Mr Protection were two pets owned by President Benjamin Harrison. What kind of animals were they?
  14. Opossums
  15. Nanny and Nanko were Abraham Lincoln’s…
  16. Goats
  17. What did President Andrew Jackson teach his parrot Pol to do?
  18. Swear
  19. President Thomas Jefferson owned two of these? They were..
  20. Bear cubs
  21. Which of these was not the name of a dog owned by President John Adams?
  22. Cleopatra
  23. What did President James Madison call his parrot?
  24. Macaw
  25. What odd choice of pet did President John Quincy Adams favour?
  26. Silkworms
  27. What did President Franklin Pierce owned seven…
  28. Miniature Oriental dogs
  29. When he found these in his bedroom, President Andrew Johnson adopted and fed them. They were…
  30. White mice
  31. What pet was President Rutherford B. Hayes the first to own in the United States?
  32. A Siamese cat
  33. Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Great Dane was called President.
  34. True
  35. Which of these was not one of George Washington’s Coonhounds?
  36. Blotto
  37. Which of these was not a pet owned by George W. Bush?
  38. A rattlesnake
  39. What kind of dog was George H. W. Bush’s Millie?
  40. A Springer Spaniel

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