ISOLAND 3 Dust of the Universe – COTTONGAME Network Technology Co., Ltd.

ISOLAND 3 Dust of the Universe


Step into the gaming world with ISOLAND 3 Dust of the Universe, one of the top $1.99 games in the App Store! Crafted with creativity and innovation by COTTONGAME Network Technology Co., Ltd., this captivating Puzzle game is bound to grab your attention. With its content rating of 4+, it caters to a wide audience. Ever since its release on 20th February 2020, it has been constantly updated, with the latest version rolled out on 27th October 2021.

Whether you have a liking for Puzzle, games, ISOLAND 3 Dust of the Universe is sure to keep you hooked!

User Ratings

Join the crowd of 36 gamers who have given their verdict on ISOLAND 3 Dust of the Universe.

Ready to take on the adventure? Get ISOLAND 3 Dust of the Universe now from the APP STORE.

Dive into ISOLAND 3 Dust of the Universe

At the end of ISOLAND 2, the rocket is finally launched into the space.
So what happens next?

In the third installment of ISOLAND franchise, the player has an opportunity to explore the story even further, which is also an opportunity for ourselves to test our curiosity and creativity.

I would like to footnote ISOLAND 3 with my favorite artist Maurits Cornelis Escher,
to explain the significance of art.
Every player of ISOLAND now is able to set off again with his curiosity.
I wish you all find the answer to your love when you complete the game.

Coming with the art style you are familiar with, various puzzles, delicately designed 2nd run mode, and interesting collectables.

You’ve been traveling through the universe by rocket and come to an uncharted planet. This place is covered with rocks and barren vegetation. What lies above the blue ocean is a bizarre, crimson sky. However, you are not the only human being who have been here. Along your path you will encounter ancient ruins, a mysterious spaceship, and countless puzzles to solve.

What are you going to do this time?

What’s Fresh in the Latest Update?

Discover what’s new in the recent update of ISOLAND 3 Dust of the Universe on 27th October 2021:

fixed bug

Hear from the Players – ISOLAND 3 Dust of the Universe Reviews

Find out what gamers are saying about ISOLAND 3 Dust of the Universe:

Wonderful, beautiful and challenging! Loved it.

Could be a really good game with great graphics and sometimes tough puzzles, but you have to replay essentially the same game with mostly the same puzzles to finish. Second time around was boring despite the few differences. We wish this dev would stop doing this and make one really good game inclusive of all. Definitely not worth the money.

Not as good as the first game, but WAY easier than the second.

We found the repeat the game for a newish experience to be less than engaging. The graphics are wonderful but we would have liked more variety.

We’ve been enjoying the ISOLAND series, but its seriously irritating to play all the way to what must be near the end of the game, and find no way of getting past a puzzle. After googling a walkthrough, we find that our game doesnt actually HAVE the clue we need to solve the puzzle Im stumped on (the faces on the poster, needed to open the cabinet and find film, apparently). Whats up with that? We have no way of finishing the game at this point, (since even using the googled info doesnt work) unless we get lucky and guess the right combination at random. Very frustrating.

Lots of bits are missing from the game, we got stuck and watched a walkthrough. The woman is mussing from the ship, there are no flowers to collect… Is there an update to fix this?

We had tried to give the light tube to the boy who was fishing but apparently one has to click his face not his torso after selecting the item? Or maybe we were accidentally hitting the words the boy was saying. Either way it is too finicky for us, the clear intention was to give up the item. We had to use a walkthrough, which ruined the experience for us. (iPad Pro, iOS 13). We loved Isoland 2 by the way.

After about four hours of gameplay, Curiosity finally got the better of our 10 year old son and he came to see what we were getting so frustrated over. We handover the phone and tell him to give it a try. He enlisted the help of our husband and before long all of us were spending quality family time playing the game together. That alone made downloading the game totally worth it. But it was also A lot of fun… Until we got stuck.

But this one had a puzzle toward the beginning we had to brute force open. The symbols didnt match the hints.

The only reason that Im not giving this game 5 full stars is because it was short. Yes, after you play through once, you can play over with different puzzles- however, the story, scenes, characters, dialogue, rhythm, and even a lot of the puzzles are the exact same. So even the second time around doesnt take long. Its like youre going through the motions the second time through. We wouldve just preferred more novel game play to the initial story…. Overall the graphics, story, and puzzles were on par with the past Isoland games which we loved, but we just wanted more! Still highly recommend. Thanks!

We see others are complaining about hints. Heres an idea… Dont use them. The game is totally solvable without hints, but it takes some thinking and investigation. As with the whole Isoland series, the art is fantastic, the game play is smooth and the puzzles range from simple to challenging. Keep it up guys, dont let these complainers discourage you, the game is awesome.

Love this game as always, but there seems to be a bug whenever a character has too large of a dialogue box. Itll start doubling on top of itself and shaking, making it very hard to read. An example is when you talk to the captain of the ship for the first time.

We love the Isoland games. Love them! But … We have met the first five characters in this one, and they are all male. Whats up with that? We would give 5 stars if not for this weird sexism.

We love the Isoland series. We are stuck however and the free hints arent helping. But we cant seem to figure out where to buy hint coins.

Wonderful game, beautiful graphics, well designed puzzles. We really enjoyed this sequel. The only things we dont like about it is: a. You must buy the hints, which we feel is really annoying considering that you need to buy the game b. The soundtrack is not available. We loved the soundtrack for Isoland 2, but the soundtrack for Isoland 3 still is not available, which is a pity, we would pay for the soundtrack. But overall, the game was great, cant wait for the next one. Keep on creating the quality work Cotton. :)

Um so Im giving this 4 stars for now because Isolands 1 & 2 are some of our favourite mobile games of maybe all time… But for some reason with this one Im extremely confused and we cant imagine that its fully the games fault. Some of the puzzles are really good, but others…. Not as intuitive. We looked on line for some sort of help because we feel like we’ve hit a dead end however, SPOILERS kinda: Once Im in the space ship / house we find that some of the things from the walk through very GREATLY from our version. For example in the video there is like a moth that goes to the light to reveal a solution, however in our version theres just a robot. Am we missing something…? Any help would be appreciated a fan.

This is so much tougher from the start than the others… Or maybe it just looks that way because we dont have the handy screenshot button of the Switch. Well the side bits seem a lot more concealed than before.

New update fixed the game! Very challenging but fun! Thank you for fixing!

Fixed! There seem to be a few versions of this out there. But, worth it. Fun, challenging game.

It has so much goodness… Challenging puzzles, lovely scenery, charming artwork, a mysterious mood, etc etc. It can be tricky, too, so be prepared to think creatively and try everything! We did need help in places and was lucky to get it from friends. A walkthrough will be a big help at whatever point one is made. The free hints helped sometimes but not always. Its a substantial game and it kept us busy for days. At the end it turns out you can start over and play again and its different! And thats also where the rest of the achievements are hiding. We wouldnt have figured this out myself… A friend told us and Im so glad they did. Overall a really wonderful offering from a great dev who continues to show us their delightful and creative spirit. Thanks, Cotton!

This is just so well done. Fun, thoughtful and intricate. And as always, the artwork and interactivity are top-notch.

Update: there was an update pushed very recently as the button on the page in search said update, grabbed that and its fixed now.

We were excited to see this in the App Store because we’ve liked all the other games by this developer. However, It didnt take us long to get stuck and frustrated. The free hints are zero help and we refuse to pay for better hints when we’ve already paid for the game. Why not just charge a dollar more for the game and eliminate IAPs? Also, we turned off the music and sound in settings, but it didnt do anything and both are still audible in the game. The artwork is excellent, just like the other games. Im hoping to resume playing once someone creates a walkthrough.

We’ve been playing point and click adventure games for a long time, and we throughly enjoyed the first two of this series. But this one is driving us crazy! It really doesnt make any sense, and its becoming incredibly frustrating. We cant seem to make any progress without buying hints, which is ridiculous, and so far there doesnt seem to be a full walkthrough online. We guess no one else can figure it out either. We play these games to relax, not get angry. Update: we used a few hints to get the game going, and then it was over before we knew it! The game is so short! Im very annoyed with the whole thing. Very disappointing!

After diamond spaceship arrives, cannot get the thing the fire man is trying to give us. We can see it, but we cannot take it. Please fix. Otherwise fun!

This game is ridiculously opaque. Im not new to point and clicks OR to cotton games, so its not that we just dont know how they work. But its frustratingly non-intuitive, and whats more aggravating, the free hints are USELESS. Utterly useless. Dont buy this game until they either improve the free hints (and we refuse to buy hints, if your game is so unsolvable that it cant be played without them, you dont deserve the money!) or someone cones out with a walkthrough. And we came in ready to love this game… The artwork is still charming, the music is beautiful, a lot of effort clearly went into it. Maybe too much effort, though, because its like a brick wall in terms of playability. Im heartbroken to have to leave this review after how we’ve loved and supported this game company and their other games. Im hoping that the makers read these reviews and have a change of heart, because it wouldnt take much for it to be a five-star game! Just… Make it playable, by people who dont already know the happy path through the games dependency chart. Ill come back and update this review if they make changes, because we do believe in this game company, and we did want to love this game.

First page, we cant pick up the scissors no matter what we do! What is the trick? The hand shows up to hold the scissors but we click or drag and nothing. Updated so scissors work. We will give another star if no more bugs.

We will of course change our rating when we can actually play the game. Im sure this will be fixed quite promptly.

More pages for ISOLAND 3 Dust of the Universe – COTTONGAME Network Technology Co., Ltd.