Replica : Temporary Safety – Zero Rock Entertainment

Replica : Temporary Safety


Step into the gaming world with Replica : Temporary Safety, one of the top $2.99 games in the App Store! Crafted with creativity and innovation by Zero Rock Entertainment, Inc., this captivating Puzzle game is bound to grab your attention. With its content rating of 12+, it caters to a wide audience. Ever since its release on 14th November 2016, it has been constantly updated, with the latest version rolled out on 6th December 2020.

Whether you have a liking for Puzzle, Adventure, games, Replica : Temporary Safety is sure to keep you hooked!

User Ratings

Join the crowd of 48 gamers who have given their verdict on Replica : Temporary Safety.

Ready to take on the adventure? Get Replica : Temporary Safety now from the APP STORE.

Dive into Replica : Temporary Safety

** Winner of Impact Award at IndieCade 2016, Excellence in Narrative Award at BIC Festival 2016, Best of Narrative Award & Best of Game Design Award at Indie Stream Fes 2016 **

Replica is an interactive novel game played through a cellphone and social media.


"This country needs more than a building right now. It needs hope." – Evey Hammond

You are given a cellphone of an unknown owner.
You must look for evidence of terrorism by hacking into the cellphone owner’s account, under governmental coercion. Then inspecting the cellphone usage history and social media activity records.
The insane experience of peeping into someone’s private life through a cellphone will transform you into the state’s greatest patriot.


“Replica is a detective game about privacy, investigation, moral dilemma.”, PC Gamer

“The sinister, clever Replica is Papers, Please but with iPhones instead of passports.”, Rock Paper Shotgun

“More than an interactive game, Replica gives you a whole new experience. Its genious idea and intense atmosphere making this game shockingly great.”, INDIENOVA


12 Multiple Endings
8 Achievements

What’s Fresh in the Latest Update?

Discover what’s new in the recent update of Replica : Temporary Safety on 6th December 2020:

Replica version 1.3 has been released.
The major changes include:

  • Improved Japanese localization with help of Playism
  • Fixed minor bugs

Hear from the Players – Replica : Temporary Safety Reviews

Find out what gamers are saying about Replica : Temporary Safety:

The programming and aesthetics are great. The problem is the writing. The dialogue and situations feel like a child wrote them. Its simply not how people talk and it pulls you out of it.

This is game is astounding and inspirational. We couldn’t possibly recommend such a beautiful game enough. THE MONEY IS DEFINITELY WORTH IT.

Good puzzles and deep messages.

If you think you’ve beaten the game, play again and make different choices. There are at least eleven different endings, and a good portion of the game is exploring and finding the different endings. We’re really impressed how much time and details have been put into this game. It’s addicting. And yes, it does have save.

This game is amazing. We found myself googling Morse code and checking to see if To-Do, Retsnom, Rabbit Hole 3D and Rain Song by Zero-project were real. We tried calling our own real-life phone. The only problem is that the graphics are all pixelated. We got pixels out the wazoo and we want to use them all.

This game deserves more attention It’s very good we found it by accident because of the sale If you’re hesitating just buy it already.

Whats the password??? Plz tell meeeeeee!

Good game with an interesting concept, but could be longer. Feels like a lite version of a longer game.

Found phone games have to feel remotely close to reality for the effect to work for us. But putting parents into contacts by their full names instead of Mom and Dad… Every phone number in the game is four digits instead of seven or ten. Its just the beginning of a series of immersion breaking choices. We can suspend disbelief for a bit, but eventually the lack of real world anything just doesnt work for us.

We have played a solid 20 mins of the game and we can say that those twenty minutes exceeded our expectations of this game. It is a fresh taste of a very cool genre.

Great concept and execution. We wish it was a longer experience. It’s way way way too short. No save function needed as it is such a quick experience.

Realize game is short but it is your phone and sometimes interruptions have to be expected. This can mean having to start the entire game over again. Good game but no save is tough.

We like the game and its puzzles, but what made us give 2 stars is that you can’t save the game.. Like we were playing it and we decided to continue later, it simply starts over from the beginning..

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