Reventure – Pixelatto



Step into the gaming world with Reventure, one of the top $3.99 games in the App Store! Crafted with creativity and innovation by Pixelatto Games S.L., this captivating Puzzle game is bound to grab your attention. With its content rating of 12+, it caters to a wide audience. Ever since its release on 22nd March 2020, it has been constantly updated, with the latest version rolled out on 1st July 2020.

Whether you have a liking for Puzzle, Adventure, games, Reventure is sure to keep you hooked!

User Ratings

Join the crowd of 21 gamers who have given their verdict on Reventure.

Ready to take on the adventure? Get Reventure now from the APP STORE.

Dive into Reventure

What would happen if I do…? Reventure is a 2D platformer game from Pixelatto Games that challenges your imagination by providing you tons of different items, stories and a huge world to explore during your adventure. Do your best for discovering the 100 endings at the same time you enjoy intense stories, humor and mysteries!

** Best Indie Game, Gamelab 2019 **
** Indie Hub Award 2019 **

"The title has quickly become one of their must have for youtubers" — Vandal
"One of the revelation indie games of 2019" — 3dJuegos
"Reventure is an adventure you won’t forget" — Forge today


Choose your path, every decision leads to a new ending, will you find the real one? Is there such a thing? Only one way to know…

The world doesn’t change with each new game, you do. Well, actually it DOES change, but that’s a secret for you to find out.

New playable characters, hints, costumes, visual effects and more!

These are secrets, you know, so we won’t spoil them here ;)

Even a simple-looking-yet-amazing game like this takes a lot of time and big piles of money to make, but you can get it for only a few bucks. How’s that for magic? Time travel, battle royale fights, mimics, permadeath, shotguns, mining, resource gathering, base building, global leaderboards, farming… Ok, we may have had exaggerated on that one… OR HAVE WE???

Yup, there’s that too. Available in many flavours.
That’s always important!

You still need more information? Here’s how to play Reventure in 8 easy steps:

Step 1: Adventure calls… Wake up, hero!
Step 2: Meet your mentor and gear up for glory…
Step 3: Then… Embark on your quest!
Step 4: Ok, don’t embark…
Step 5: Face the consequences…
Step 6: Rise again…
Step 7: Fix your past mistakes…
Step 8: And become a legend!

Disclaimer: this is just an orientative guide, you probably won’t become a legend on your second attempt.

What’s Fresh in the Latest Update?

Discover what’s new in the recent update of Reventure on 1st July 2020:

  • Visuals Fixed.

Hear from the Players – Reventure Reviews

Find out what gamers are saying about Reventure:

Cant wait to find all the (crazy) endings!

We love this game, and its helped us pass a ton of free time trying to find all the unique endings and hidden stuff. (SPOILER) The only issue we’ve encountered so far is toward the end in the chamber of wisdom. We cant seem to consistently get on the platform from the grapple after breaking that first bush. We’ve watched a YouTube video on it and the person playing on pc had no problem, but there were some comments from mobile that had the same issue. Im looking forward to finishing this, but it may take way longer as we can only get up on the platform maybe one out of 50 grapples. (END OF SPOILER) Other than that, we absolutely love this game, and we have friends who even enjoy watching us play it. We know Im probably late to the party, but we hope other people get to experience this as well.

The game concept is unique, intriguing, humorous and well implemented. There is an issue with external controllers: instead of the left analogue stick, the right stick is the one that works for walking. This is impossible to use since the buttons are also in the right side. Please fix this. We tied using several controllers including a PS4 one and the issue is persistent.

This is a hard one to describe. Its like Maniac Mansion mixed with a metriodvania type game. Basically, rather than trying win, the point is to find the right combination of equipment to either rescue the princess or die in the most ridiculous (and often hilarious) way possible until you collect all 100 endings.

Relatively quick play session game that you appreciate more the further you get. 100 different endings some of which change the game world permanently. Shortcuts open up and more becomes possible. Im very impressed by the forethought of the game design.

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