DK Quiz Food Answers

DK Quiz Shellfish

These are the answer for DK Quiz Shellfish Question and Answers, Cheats, for Easy , Medium, Hard on all level of the game. This game is developed by Dorling Kindersley at Dorling Kindersley Ltd.

What is the solution for DK Quiz Shellfish ?

We are trying our best to solve the answer manually and update the answer into here, currently the best answer we found for these are:

  1. What kind of shellfish forms the heart of an American clam bake?
  2. Lobster
  3. What is the name of this popular shellfish?
  4. Scallop
  5. Which kind of shellfish are often served in a cocktail?
  6. Prawns
  7. What is opening an oyster shell called?
  8. Shucking
  9. Which of these is not another name for the shellfish langoustine?
  10. Bernie Bay Shuckler
  11. Shellfish mostly eat phytoplankton and zooplankton.
  12. True
  13. Often served in a white wine sauce, these shellfish are called…
  14. Clams
  15. Which country is responsible for creating the lobster bisque?
  16. France
  17. Which dish features raw shellfish and fish marinated in lemon or lime juice?
  18. Ceviche
  19. Which of these is a type of prawn?
  20. Tiger
  21. Shellfish smelling strongly of ammonia should not be consumed.
  22. True
  23. The pipi is a shellfish found in which country?
  24. New Zealand
  25. Usually served on crushed ice, these are…
  26. Oysters
  27. Which region of America is often associated with crabs?
  28. Maryland
  29. Shellfish is one of the main ingredients of the South American curanto. With which country is it most associated?
  30. Chile
  31. More people died from oyster poisoning in 2006 than all of the global conflicts combined.
  32. False
  33. How is the French plateau de fruits de mer served?
  34. On a bed of ice
  35. She-crab soup is a favourite in the south of which country?
  36. America
  37. With which US state are clams traditionally associated?
  38. Maine
  39. What is the name of this shellfish?
  40. A mussel

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