DK Quiz Food Answers

DK Quiz Sushi

These are the answer for DK Quiz Sushi Question and Answers, Cheats, for Easy , Medium, Hard on all level of the game. This game is developed by Dorling Kindersley at Dorling Kindersley Ltd.

What is the solution for DK Quiz Sushi ?

We are trying our best to solve the answer manually and update the answer into here, currently the best answer we found for these are:

  1. Whats is the correct name for a sushi chef?
  2. An itamae
  3. For how many years do sushi chefs originally have to train?
  4. 10
  5. What percentage of the bluefin tuna caught worldwide is used for sushi?
  6. 80
  7. What kind of sushi is shown here?
  8. Norimaki
  9. What is sashimi?
  10. Raw sliced fish
  11. Sushi restaurants often serve their food on conveyor belts.
  12. True
  13. What is the thinnest slice of sushi fish called?
  14. Kaku zukuri
  15. In what has this sushi been hand-rolled?
  16. Nori seaweed
  17. What is often served with sushi?
  18. All of these
  19. Sushi first appeared in Japan and then spread to China.
  20. False
  21. What is a common kind of sushi box?
  22. Bento
  23. What is being served alongside this sushi?
  24. Soy sauce and ginger
  25. What did Japanese sushi originally contain?
  26. Fermenting fish
  27. The literal translation of sushi is…
  28. Sour-tasting
  29. Sushi is often rolled up using…
  30. Bamboo mats
  31. Shoyu means Japanese soy sauce.
  32. True
  33. What green ingredient is often associated with sushi?
  34. All of these
  35. One ingredient all sushi has in common is vinegared rice called sushi-meshi.
  36. True
  37. What colour tea is often served with sushi?
  38. Green
  39. What are these sushi nibbles often commonly called?
  40. California rolls

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