DK Quiz Science Technology Answers

DK Quiz Mad Scientists

These are the answer for DK Quiz Mad Scientists Question and Answers, Cheats, for Easy , Medium, Hard on all level of the game. This game is developed by Dorling Kindersley at Dorling Kindersley Ltd.

What is the solution for DK Quiz Mad Scientists ?

We are trying our best to solve the answer manually and update the answer into here, currently the best answer we found for these are:

  1. Which mad scientist used electricity to try and reanimate the corpses of people and animals in the 18th century?
  2. Giovanni Aldini
  3. What object were patients asked to suck in public for a 1970s experiment into embarrassment?
  4. A pacifier
  5. How did Charles Darwin test the ears of worms?
  6. All of these
  7. What was scientist Vladimir Demikhov credited for doing?
  8. Creating a two-headed dog
  9. What was the first passenger to travel in a hot-air balloon in 1783?
  10. All of these
  11. The rooster’s wing became damaged during the experiment, but it later emerged this was because the sheep had kicked it.
  12. True
  13. Dr William Buckland was a very eccentric scientist whose wish was to…
  14. Eat every known animal
  15. 19th century scientist Stubbins Ffirth tried to prove yellow fever was not contagious by dousing himself with infected…
  16. All of these
  17. Which 1930s scientist gave up trying to resurrect the dead to instead invent a new type of toothpaste?
  18. Robert Cornish
  19. Which Ancient Greek is credited for being the "leading scientist of antiquity"?
  20. Archimedes
  21. Sleep researcher Ian Oswald tried to keep patients awake by squirting vinegar in their eyes.
  22. False
  23. What animal did Ivan Pavlov use to conduct his experiments on conditioning?
  24. Dogs
  25. In 2003, scientists tested whether real dogs would accept a robotic dog called AIBO.
  26. True
  27. What did the tests show?
  28. The dogs weren’t interested in the robot
  29. Johann Conrad Dippel was a scientist who used to steal dead bodies to experiment on. Where was he born?
  30. Castle Frankenstein
  31. 1940s research into the common cold found that cold people were no more likely to catch a cold than those who were warm.
  32. True
  33. In 1964 Spanish neuroscientist Jose M. R. Delgado tried bullfighing by remote control.
  34. True
  35. How long did 11 people stay in bed in Moscow for to test the effects of living in space?
  36. 370 days
  37. Who was the archetypal "mad scientist" of the 20th century who contributed to the use of commercial electricity?
  38. Nikola Tesla
  39. Nikola Tesla did everything in threes and was physically revolted by pearl earrings.
  40. True

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