Last updated on June 7th, 2023 at 08:45 am is one of the best Free to play game in the App Store.
Developed by Lowtech Studios LLC, is a Action game with a content rating of 4+.
It was released on 25th March 2016 with the latest update 19th March 2022

Whether you are a fan of Action, Entertainment, or Simulation games, you will find this game interesting and will absolutely like it.

What is the rating of ?

215,998 people have rated 1.6.9

What is the price of the ?

It is free for download on iOS.

When was the released ? was released on 25th March 2016.

When was the updated ?

The latest updated date of on 19th March 2022.

Where can be downloaded ?

You can download the game from Apple Official App Store.



Play against other people online! Can you become the longest slither of the day?

If your head touches another player, you will explode and die. But if other players run into YOU, then THEY will explode and you can eat their remains!

In, even if you’re tiny, you have a chance to win. If you’re skilled or lucky, you can swerve in front of a much larger player to defeat them!

Download now and start slithering!

Updated on 19th March 2022

Faster gameplay! Review

We were at home sitting down Im just playing Roblox we got bored our friend came over a lot she said but we said yeah sure shell let us play her iPad we found a game called where are you we started playing it we begged our mom to download it for us she did you should download this game its a great game.

DOWNLOAD THIS GAME!!!!! This game is so addicting and heckin awesome! Jesus saves. We know that was random but it is FAX.

We love this game and we used to have the old version and we think the old version is better but we still think that this version is amazing.

This game is so fun we love to chase people butt lags to much.

Beautiful game, so much fun. We had a blast playing slither. Io, thank you so much for making the game.

We love this game and have 0 problems with it. You chase each other trying to kill others and eat them (its not violent we swear) to survive. Fun fun fun .

This game is really fun and good to played.

We absolute love this game. We also have a recommendation for winning. Once you are big enough, circle other players to trap them. Then when they are tired of running around in circles, they die, you gain XP and they respawn only to have it happen all over again.

So good is so good it could give us a heart attack.

We just need to tell you that this game is so fun and cool but want you to add more hats and snake skin we get old of them even if we make our own we think you should put a random skin generator that not the one you can pick out and if you do what we’re saying we will keep it as a 5 star rate and bye.

We love this game so much its supper fun and idk its just the funniest game on the planet.

This game is very fun we do recommend it give it a try.

This game is the best because you can play it with out WiFi this game is the best.

Ok so when we play we killed someone and we couldnt move east and someone different got him can you change that plz like we do try we also ran in to someone and we couldnt move again so we told our sis she said delete the game and get it again so we did lol she was wrong then we asked our mom no she did not KNOW Aaaaaa omg what is wrong with this then we said our other sissy we need help she is young so we thought she wont know but guess what SHE DID we were like wow girl you got some skills then she told meeee how to do it she said to learn how to do it then we were like oh no we understand we are so so so so so so so so so so so so so weird lol so we think we wrote the longest thing we should probably stop but why not we are so bored so like why not dood like yay so Im goi g some where but we love sitting on the couch writing this Im going to our dads work in a minute so our sis is saying lets go go go go NOW Im like one second sissy we cant tell you her. Are because of safety stuff OMG we’ve been here for one hour so by.

We love the game, and the game mechanics. But we would like if there were more maps besides black pentagons. You dont have to but if you want, please make at least two more maps. Thanks for the game :)

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii people who are reading this review so SLITHER. IO we love it but we hate it k byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Eeeeeeeeee E E E E E E E E Eeeeeeeeeeee E E E E E E E E E E E People who are still reading wheres the real information it a good game but BUT BUT BUT we haAaaaaAaAaAAaaaaate it and we LOOoooooooOOoooooOooooooO it thats why their is more os k we suggest when your playing it click play against A.I. Then when you have mastered that click play online! That one it like the hard level except their is no levels ok this time is a real bye byee.

We just want you all to know we have no problem with this app its amazing.

The best game. You literally just eat to get bigger and its such a interesting game. Everyone will love this game you just have to get into it. We love that you dont have to watch ads and spend money on it, nor would you need to unlock things. Which, makes the game fun and we hope you enjoy it as much as we do. We love this game so much that we wouldnt mind spending our whole weekend off on it. Wish the best for all :)

OK first of all when you go online its very very glitchy you cant even like slither your sneakers around its like very bad and we feel like you shouldnt be able to eat other peoples food OK OK OK OK OK we feel like you shouldnt be able to whatever it is fine OK we OK OK OKLAHOMA was a great ions was a fun and challenging play of games but we cannot now is the new one for ya ya girl you wanna play time is to come home to us a little more fun than the other one and the.

So we been playing this game for 4 years and its still the best game.

This app is amazing we love it so much . Who ever made it did a good job!

We love this game so much its awesome.

We had so much fun playing this game get it yourself NOW!

We love this game so much its so trilling.

Hey developers we’ve been playing this game since we were at least 5!

We love this game we cant stop playing.

There’s nothing wrong with saying pray for the ungodly stop blocking religion and freedom of speech you liberal clowns.

This is the best thing game and it is addictive everyone should really try this game youll really like it It looked boring but when you download the games its really fun.

We love this game every since it came out.

This good game y love Rainbowfart we are Samuel for very good this game very good 10/10.

We Love this since we were a kid but we usually need them to add custom details to the Worm and And tho itd Awsome.

Yall pls read this Okay it a okay game we mean we got it for our little sis and she loves it well we went and played it thats when we fell in love with it it the beat.

It is really fun and we get lots of points and we love how it is really kinda like the online one and this is our first favorite game ever! We were first playing this when we were 4 or 5 and now we are ten! This game is really fun make sure to try it it is really fun we want this game to have five star if it is we are giving love to donate on our chanel goodbye and stay safe!

First of all we love , but we think that the game should keep track of your skill level and once you reach a certain level you can play a master mode, also keep track of your kills and have more skin options. So in conclusion we hope that you like our ideas and over all, great game thank you so much stay safe.

We love this game! We like how you can play against AI or against actual players.

Hey can we have like a chat update or something ?

This game is really good and fun.

Addictive and so much fun. Highly recommended by me.

So please change it like make a brownie snake.