DK Quiz Food Answers

DK Quiz Teatime Traditions

These are the answer for DK Quiz Teatime Traditions Question and Answers, Cheats, for Easy , Medium, Hard on all level of the game. This game is developed by Dorling Kindersley at Dorling Kindersley Ltd.

What is the solution for DK Quiz Teatime Traditions ?

We are trying our best to solve the answer manually and update the answer into here, currently the best answer we found for these are:

  1. Which English monarch set the trend for tea drinking in England when she chose the beverage instead of ale for her morning drink?
  2. Queen Anne
  3. Between what hours is the traditional French tea party, or "thé", held?
  4. 5 pm and 7 pm
  5. At what hour did the Duchess of Bedford, Anna Maria Stanhope, hold afternoon tea?
  6. 5 pm
  7. What did the wealthy English Georgian and Victorian elite condemn the lower classes for doing during tea making?
  8. Putting the milk in first
  9. American iced tea originally featured green tea and…
  10. Alcohol
  11. In which century was high tea introduced to England?
  12. The 18th century
  13. Which country serves matcha during its formalized tea-drinking ceremony?
  14. Japan
  15. What traditional English snack often accompanies a formal afternoon tea?
  16. Cucumber sandwiches
  17. In the 1910s, what activity often took place in America’s tearooms?
  18. Tea dances
  19. Lu Yu was the author of 600 CE Cha Jing, or "Tea Classic". From which country did he hail?
  20. China
  21. In England, low tea was most enjoyed by whom?
  22. The wealthy
  23. Portuguese priests were first introduced to tea drinking in China during the 16th century.
  24. True
  25. Moroccan tea drinking is often considered an art form. What is the tea’s main ingredient?
  26. Mint
  27. Which of these is not one of the reasons a Chinese tea ceremony is held?
  28. As a formal declaration of war
  29. What year did Catherine of Braganza, wife of Charles II, introduce tea drinking to the English court?
  30. 1662
  31. Which country declared tea as its national drink in 2013?
  32. India
  33. Singapore is the only country in Asia where tea is not sold.
  34. False
  35. Which is the first tea to be drunk in China, sometime in the 10th century BCE?
  36. Green tea
  37. In what century CE was the Japanese tea ceremony first developed?
  38. The 8th century
  39. In England, which of these is not a feature of a Cornish cream tea?
  40. Golden syrup

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