Infinite Galaxy – Hong Kong Ke Mo software Co., Limited

Infinite Galaxy

Infinite Galaxy

Experience one of the top-rated Free games on the App Store, Infinite Galaxy! Developed by the innovative team at Hong Kong Ke Mo software Co., Limited, this Strategy game provides a unique gaming experience like no other. With a content rating of 9+, it’s perfect for a wide range of players. Since its initial release on 11th January 2021, the game has seen numerous updates, with the latest version launched on 9th October 2023.

Are you a fan of Strategy, Simulation, games? Then Infinite Galaxy is right up your alley! You won’t be able to resist its appeal.

User Ratings of Infinite Galaxy

Over 6,933 players have rated Infinite Galaxy. Join them and share your thoughts!

How Much Does Infinite Galaxy Cost?

Good news! You can download Infinite Galaxy on your iOS device absolutely free!

Infinite Galaxy Release Date

Eager to know when Infinite Galaxy first graced the App Store? It was launched on 11th January 2021.

When Was Infinite Galaxy Last Updated?

The latest version of Infinite Galaxy was updated on 9th October 2023, ensuring a more enjoyable gaming experience for all players.

Where Can I Download Infinite Galaxy?

To get started with Infinite Galaxy, head over to the official Apple App Store.


A Glimpse into Infinite Galaxy

Infinite Galaxy. Infinite possibilities. This is a next generation immersive, space game. With top 3D graphics and deep strategic choices to choose from, the secrets of the entire Galaxy are waiting for you to discover.

Galaxy Year 4649. After the long war, the Old Federation was unfortunately defeated, but the Empire’s cruel reign is also on the verge of collapse. The borders of the burning Galaxy have already been broken. Private merchants and space pirates shuttle back and forth in the universe. Countless rebel groups have risen to fight from the Empire’s outer rim without any time to spare. Rumor has it that someone discovered the mysterious warships of an ancient space race…

In this Galaxy full of fantasy and conflict, you can start by repairing your Spaceport. Then you will build your flagship, defeat space pirates, explore the Galaxy, form an alliance with like-minded Commanders, and come across one moving story after another.

An enormous fleet is waiting for you to lead.
A marvelous Spaceport is waiting for you to develop.
An Infinite Galaxy is waiting for you to explore.

But the Empire is preparing its counterattack in the shadows of the Galaxy. The next time the Empire flashes its teeth, an endless war will once again be ignited in the Infinite Galaxy.

Spaceport & Crew

  • Tons of facilities and tech are waiting for you to build and research.
  • Upgrade every type of building to transform your Spaceport into a powerful base.
  • Recruit mighty crew members in your Spaceport. Make them become your deputies and staff or go on fleet expeditions.
  • Every crew member has their own life experiences and stories. Their tales will make you aware of how completely different life in space is.

Fleets & Flagships

  • Build up 30 different types of Spaceships and form fleets.
  • Every one of your fleets will be led by an extremely powerful flagship. Every flagship has its own unique appearance and skills.
  • These flagships are carefully built based on the blueprints handed down from the heyday of the Federation and Empire.
  • Collect flagship blueprints from ancient space relics, campaign missions, and the Empire’s fortress stages.

Battle & Glory

  • In the Galaxy, compete or work together with millions of Commanders in real-time. An excellent way to survive is to create or join a formidable alliance.
  • Call upon your allies to deploy your attack and defense strategies, protect yourself, and battle malicious enemies in the universe.
  • Fully display your talents for strategy, leadership, and battle. Join this magnificent space epic.
  • Perhaps you will become the leader of the Galaxy and achieve supreme glory in the end.

Space & Secrets

  • Space is incredibly imposing and makes you aware of how small we really are. This is especially true in the presence of a gigantic star.
  • But as tiny as we may seem, we will go on to conquer that enormous star and explore deep in the universe.
  • On your exploration of the universe, you will slowly uncover tons of ancient secrets and learn the unknown past of Federation and Empire.

What’s New in the Latest Update?

Find out what’s new in the latest version of Infinite Galaxy updated on 9th October 2023:

Fixed some problems and optimized some experiences.

User Reviews on Infinite Galaxy

Looking for more information? Read a comprehensive review of Infinite Galaxy below:

The app wont even open for us but it does look like a good game we dont know if its just us or is this a bug.

We’ve been playing this game for what will be two years in a few weeks. Obviously it has been compelling if we have been playing so long. The last six months has been telling though. What used to be a fun way to spend time has become nothing more of a pay to play enterprise. Less rewards for general play and a flood of paid rewards. It has become impossible to keep up without spending money. We have decided to stop trying to keep up and put a permanent halt to donating to Camel until rewards are balanced. Camel has become greedy. Shame on you Camel.

We have been playing for over 2 years, and while the game is very fun, addicting, and well put together. It has glaring issues for long term stability. Over the last year or so, there have been many small changes that do not benefit the average player. 1. Server merge maps. For whatever reason servers are being merged. This in itself is fine, games go through rising and falling periods of adoption. But the predatory move here was moving all the merged servers to a new map with less area buffs as well as less resources. Squeezing players for resources. 2. Removing rewards from events. Very recently removing ghost crew data cards from the most popular event cosmic ocean and replacing it with the same points you get from the group pvp battles. And locking the way to get him behind large paywalls with the new monolith event. It would be a minimum of $150 to even get a chance to get the crew at this point. Why? 2a. Removing crew xp from lost star cluster. This was the primary way to get crew xp for a player. We could net maybe 3k from the event, and save up and make meaningful progress on a crew. We had hopes to eventually get a crew to 40, this endeavor went from a months project to a years project. 3. Removing Titan blueprints from galaxy star. We were able to obtain our titan from weeks of hard work on galaxy star, by saving up and playing smart. But the only way to get Titan now is a pay event. It is a set reward, but outside paying, the average player would need more than a year to just acquire the ship. 4. Changing relic drop rates for plasma. Twice a week the game has a group activity for resources by killing the pirate bases relics. There was no mention in patch notes, but the drop rate of plasma (the hardest to acquire resource) was lowered. We used to get 3-4 prizes of plasma a day per account. Having 3 accounts that fully participate, we get maybe 1 or 2 across all 3 accounts. And you can see what other people get, so you may argue sample size. But seeing groups of 7-8 players go 5 or 6 and only get 1 out of 40 possible rewards is disheartening. There is more, but thats the top things that affect day to day play. And they have added new features that work. Ace strike, gets you a lot of resources a day, but the game play is tedious and unfair. The brand new carrier system is good. But is extremely slow to progress on medium accounts. And most of the features of it will take years to unlock for a non spender. Please just give your players a break. Stop removing things and start adding things. The grind for high level/rank ships is good as is, but youre purposely making it harder to force spending. We can not recommend the game in its current state of how the developers are structuring it towards players.

We highly recommend you dont download this game.

This is a fun game, but with every new feature. They raise the prices on you. Too expensive now. Spend about $1,600 in two months.

Okay so one glitch we think there is is that whenever we build we notice thats theres a outline of the building and the odd thing is, is that when we build it shows what the building looks like but when the building finishes the building disappears so now theres no changes to the base design. Please fix this we want to see a progressing base design.

Been playing the game for almost a full year and it is very fun and addictive. But after about the first 150 days most of a nebulas population leaves due to it becoming more farming and mundane. The only reason why we knock off a star is the fact that this game is the most blatantly pay-to-win game we’ve ever played. If you want to compete at a high level be prepared to throw tons of money at the game.

So far this game is a lot of fun. Definitely feels more immersive then some of the tablet games we have played. We hope the pack stay affordable!

Awesome game to play Its been a lot of fun.

This game deserves a great review. But Im not a writer. We’ve played a ton of games but nothing like this. Its simple to follow and huge!! We love how big this game is! There is so much to do. We normally delete games after a day or two cause we get bored but this game. Its got our attention!! We hope we dont get to a point where Ill need real money in order to continue enjoying the game. For now we’ve enjoyed every second of it! Thank you guys for putting so much work into this game. Its exactly what we’ve been looking for :)

Many hours played invested about $350 thinking it would help!!! Yea ok!!! If you want to do anything in this game it requires a large unlimited credit card all you do is spend time clicking on upgrades that require money!! No action ,, nothing fun about this but uninstalling.. Save yourselves the time and aggravation!!

We really like this game. It is so fun and it is kind of similar to Star Wars games with same goals but different characters.

This game is on that you will either LOVE or hate and nothing in between. The combinations that you can do with flagships, warships, equipment, commanders, crew it is very good. One warning, Watch how much you spend. You can easily spend way to much on this game.

Delivered in the most lifeless way. (Text to speech). The ad we clicked on promised a 3D arcade game set in space, which isnt at all what this game is.

The game openly allows farm accounts that many players take advantage of and cheat! They will have 4 accounts and grow faster without paying then kill everyone where you cant play and then give up and quit the game. Dont pay for anything unless youre a huge bank because the cheaters will destroy all youve done!!! BUT the game is fun and addicting when the cheaters are removed and forced to start over so we can all enjoy this great game. Until then, STAY AWAY!

Every update makes it more harder to develop by taking away a feature and then making you pay to get the benefits from the feature.

It is a great game everything is mostly accurate you can join alliances level attack other spaceports and fight fortresses and other things so it is a great game we would recommend trying it.

Games becomes more and more money making machine if you dont have a lot of money to spend dont bother.

Sinto que o jogo est parado mais tempo, campanha parou no 8, curso parado, incidentes, depois de completado no tem o que fazer. Base de treinamento parou no 10, piratas parou no 37, minas de coleta nvel 6. Misso diria, poderia ser mais difcil com melhores recompensa, 6 bas so poucos por dia. Pontos vip do dia, muito baixo meses para mudar de nvel. Ganho de ataque de piratas 2 itens muito baixo. Sei que o jogo tem opes de compras dos recursos, mais poderia prmios bons nem tudo que citei acima, fazer as evoluo para nvel 100 de tudo, recentemente o espaoporto ganhou uma atualizao, est faltando as demais opes para atualizar. Guardo ansioso para isso. No incidentes cria viagem de nebulosa, para outras, assim pode pesquisar outros planetas, j tem eventos entre nebulosa. Poderia ter um incentivo de doao de recursos para aliana, aonde o lder daria um prmio para os que mais doar. Misso principal da aliana parou no nvel 10. Loja da aliana poderia ter mais recursos de compras. Poderia ter eventos individual, para ter mais opes de recursos, os eventos so para as alianas. Gostaria de ter uma resposta sobre minhas opinies e ideias, obrigado.

We appreciate the fact that this game isnt full of stupid ads, etc. Gameplay is well balanced. Overall good game.

Its totally pay 2 win. Its slow progress for free 2 play at first and at higher levels it is impossible for F2P to progress. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME WITH THIS GAME.

We enjoy the game and the alliances. What Im not thrilled about are the amount of money it costs to advance and how stingy the game is with rewards. We really think the game designers should revisit their rewards for challenges and events. And the exponential requirements for resources to advance becomes tedious at some point and takes away from the fun of the game.

The toxic top alliances in most nebulas ruined it for us. Maybe not so pay to play next time camel?

It is a pay to play. They have some pretty heavy distance between whales and non paying players. This game continually drives the wedge to make more and more. And has level blocks. The good thing is that allot of the alliances across the servers came together not to war unless it is an event where we cant loose power ships permanently. The only way this changes is if you dont spend and dont play.

Game is hackable, shielded accounts can still be attacked. Im leaving the game, waste of time and money.

So here is what happens we pay to win and legit solo entire alliances. The entire server quits leaving us to only burn empty quit player bases. We rinse and repeat in new nebulas only to experience the same result. They need to merge servers so pay to win players can continue to wreck havok vs just forcing us to start over.

We had fun for a little while playing this game but you get big alliances that end up pushing everyone off the game. We survived as long as we could but we were just playing for fun and growing our base. Since we didnt hand our one single star over to a Karen they decided to big boy it out of us and ultimately ran us off the game. Even after they destroyed our star platform and we had to teleport across the galaxy to start a new they followed us and burners now our new alliance headquarters. For anyone who wants to play this game. Unless you want to waste 6months to a yr of your life just to have some Chinese alliance take you out Im warning you in advance just stay away from this game. Its designed by communist for a communist empire to win and if you arent then walk away. Great game but terrible people and terrible game design.

At the time of opening the game he sends us a notification telling us that he is in maintenance and he won’t let us play it, can you help us please?

Unless you are will to shell out tons of money, dont bother starting this game. This game has moved from pay-to-win, to pay-to-play. You cannot progress without spending money and now nearly every PvE event is impossible to pass without spending money.

Greedy developers is an understatement. Any rating over 1 is over a year old.

This game started out really good and is fun but has evolved in to a pay to win game. Unless you want to spend over $100,000 you will not amount to anything. Because of the design of this game one player who has paid the money will effortlessly defeat a whole alliance. So download it with that in mind.

It’s freaking addicting!! You can literally grow in this game. Find lots of support from other people playing. Join a team and build your own as well as your cumulative team rating.

We loved the old version but this is so much better!

Love it, entertaining and multifaceted.

This game is Great !! In many ways has cool avatars cool, crews members, artwork is well done. Game has a smooth game play and lots of stuff to keep you busy.

Make previous level ships upgradeable to whatever is available for the player to build.

We dont want to click this and that so we can upgrade random stuff knowing that Ill get to a point where we cant progress without paying money, which we wont. Find a new formula.

It pulls you in with a decent amounts of visual graphics. After you get past level 20, bit only is it very time consuming but a huge deficit of resources to keep leveling up. The developers definitely want you to pay to win. Shame on you greedy snobs that take away from people actually enjoying the experience. Thats garbage and your game will eventually die.

To work your way to the top levels is costly. Its a huge waste of time. Do not get started. Not only do the rewards get more difficult to collect as you raise and level with the designers change the rules as they go, they reduce the rewards and other ways the bottom line is, you can only improve by spending a lot of money. Most people drop out and some of the bigger players are just using accounts people have given up and running many many accounts at once advance. The net result is youll be competing with people that have enormous advantages over you and youll be suckered into spending more and more money. Do not get started. Dont download this game dont play it do something else productive with your time. Its a complete waste of time.

They will over charge and double charge your account.

Used to be an excellent game, but all new events are extremely boring. Nowadays, you can onky get ahead if you pay vast amounts of dollars. Boooooh!

The music is awesome; The war interface is satisfying; Voice actors and a stresses are poor in emotion; Overall it gets our attention. Let us play a little more bit and Ill come up with better insights on this game. Though we have a good feeling about it. Thanks producers.

We been sitting on our couch trying play this game on our phone but for a little while it been say it still connecting to the deep space network so if you can fix it that would be awesome.

This game doesnt even deserve a star .. At first we love this game we love playing we enjoy it and playing it with our alliance . But in this game you have alot of alliances bigger alliances who just go around and take fun out of this games for others players who just enjoy playing this game Alliances like 87G , 87C the 87 alliances they are just bullies , these make it that your alliance doesnt suppose to grow are enjoy playing the game like you want to . So just be wasting your time downloading this game start playing and and you cant go no where because they forbid it and our your gaming experience difficult through you dont want to join their alliances. This is the worst game we ever downloaded and if we known it was like this we would never download it and hope you all other out there read this and see that some games should be available to be downloaded because of some ignorant idiots in it .

The game offers poor rewards and focuses on in app purchases making it near impossible to enjoy the game and be competitive in it.

More pages for Infinite Galaxy – Hong Kong Ke Mo software Co., Limited