

There are plenty of ordinary mines randomly interspersed throughout the World Map. Mines are the main way for players to get resources.

Mine Rules:

1. When attacking a mine, players will fight against the mine guardians or against the troop of the player currently mining that mine. After winning, the attacking player will occupy the mine.

2. After occupying the mine, the troop will immediately start mining resources. The longer you mine, the more resources you receive. If you are defeated by another player while you are still mining, then you will lose 50% of the amount you’ve already mined and your troop will return to your city.

3. Ordinary mines have 7 levels. The higher a mine’s level, the more resources it produces.

4. Mines are divided into the following types: Iron, Crystal, Silver, and Medicine. Each mine produces different resources, and Motherlode mines output more than one resource at the same time.

5. If there are fewer than 5 heroes in your troop, your mining efficiency will be lowered proportionally. When all the resources have been mined from the mine, your troop will return home automatically. You can also retreat mid-way and take back the portion of resources you’ve mined so far.

6. You must first occupy low-level mines before you can occupy higher level ones.

7. Mines will be randomly dispersed throughout the world map, with higher level mines in the Neutral Zone and more high level mines around Mega Mines.

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