Hunting The Hunter Event

Hunting The Hunter

Last updated on June 15th, 2023 at 03:31 pm


Hunting the Hunter is one of the regular events in State Of Survival. It is a good way to get speedup, biocaps, combat manual and Travis fragments. It is a 3 to 5 days event that opens every 2 weeks. If done correctly, this will bring your HQ level up faster even for F2P players. We will share in detail what is needed to be done before, during and after this event.

Event Rewards

Hunting Rucksack

Reward Amount Chance
100 Biocaps x1 20%
10 Biocaps x(1-3) 50%
Small Chief Stamina x1 30%
5m Speedup x(2-4) 100%
Combat Manual 1 x(15-25) 100%

Travis’s Hunting Log Incomplete/Complete (Infected Hunter/Elite Infected Hunter)

If you use Travis’s Hunting Log (Incomplete/Complete), it will spawn an Infected Hunter (Incomplete) or Elite Infected Hunter (Complete) on the map. You may rally it to obtain more rewards.

Reward Infected Hunter Elite Infected Hunter
Travis fragments (min-max) 2-4 4-5
5-min. speedups (min-max) 10-20 10-20
Epic Hero Badge (min-max) 1 1-2
Food 150000 250000
Wood 150000 250000
Metal 30000 50000
Gas 7500 12500
Combat Manual I 8 14

Before Event

  • Do not kill the Intel infected – most intel infected has 15 hours of life span. Save Infected Intel before Hunting the Hunter event so that you can get reward by killing it once the event start.

During the Event

  • Do NOT use Travis’s Hunting Logs – wait until the event is over.
  • Spend ALL your stamina for killing infected in the wild or from intel.
  • Go all out on killing infected by not only using your daily stamina but also your small chief stamina in backpack. Every infected killed will give you a chance of getting hunting rucksack with speedup, biocaps and small chief stamina inside.
  • Use Chief EXP to increase chief level. Every time chief level up will grant you full stamina bar.
  • Use Travis in your formation to reduce stamina cost on killing infected.
  • You may also open rucksack at any time and get more small chief stamina to continue killing infected or save it for next round of Hunting the Hunter.
Hunting the Hunter Rewards 1
Hunting The Hunter Event 5
Hunting the Hunter Rewards 2
Hunting The Hunter Event 6
  • 800 Hunting Rucksack can give quite a lot of rewards as shown in screenshots above.

After Event

  • Use Travis’s Hunting Log to spawn Infected Hunter or Elite Infected Hunter on the map.
  • Since those Infected Hunter is rather easy to kill, it’s recommended for Rally Leader to send full march and Rally Joiners to join with 1 troop so more alliance members can join. The reward will be the same no matter if you send 1 troop or a full march.
